Home Business Success: You Have to Play Big to Win Big !

If you had the opportunity to start a home based business for less than $100, and after 2 years your checks would start to approach $2k a month after you’d brought around 2,000 people into your organization; or you could start a business with something just over $1,000 in startup costs, but within a few months of starting you would start receiving checks in the area of $100k with just over 20 people on your team, which home based business would you choose to get started in…?

This was the scenario I found myself looking at during a recent phone call I had with a prospect. At one point in the conversation, this person began telling me with a certain sense of pride how they had been with their company for a couple of years and were now beginning to see their monthly checks reaching the $2,000 level each month. Happy for them, I asked how many people they had in their organization. I was surprised when they told me they had just over 2,000 people in their group. I knew from what they told me that they were action oriented, persistent, and committed, all desirable qualities and traits that I look for in people who work with me.

As our discussion continued, they expressed how they were happy with their business and proud of how they had persevered and grown their organization so large. Soon after this they explained that they had only called out of curiosity to "see what else was out there". However, they simply continued telling me how happy they were where they were at, and with the income they were making, and that they really didn’t have a desire to do anything else.

It was easy to see that they were actually hoping to impress me with their "success" and were hoping to recruit me into their organization using what is called the "reverse marketing" technique. Instead, I simply wished them continued success and suggested that they keep my information handy and to go ahead and call me in the future if they ever found themselves in a situation where they wanted to do something that might be more rewarding, both in terms of products and in the amount of income they could receive from their efforts.

After we hung up, I found myself wondering how they would have felt had they had found out that in a different business they would have made over $100k in a month with just over 20 people in their organization for the same effort they were already putting out, or that an income of $175k a month was possible with less than 30 people in their organization.

For individuals like this, the slightly higher startup costs involved would stop them from even getting started, but it would also keep them from receiving the much more substantial rewards as well. The common thinking that somehow a lot of people all playing small will some how produce a big win simply doesn’t work. In the home based business arena, as in any area of life, you have to play big if you want to win big and enjoy success on a level that others only dream about.

About the Author:

Written by: Glenn M. Eades
Website: http://www.yourwealthsolution.info/
Blog: http://makerealmoneyfromhome.blogspot.com/
Message & Info: 800-687-3582

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Home Business Success: You Have to Play Big to Win Big !

Work At Home, Home Business, Home Based Business, Home Biz, Income From Home, Reverse Marketing